Life is always moving. There’s no stopping it. I’ve embraced the constant that is change. This is my first week without a job. But I’m never really without a job, because starting a business and having a goal of a career in art, is my job. So let me rephrase. This is my first week as a full time artist. while this will probably only last a few weeks till I get some other (soul sucking, barely pays enough) job, I want to make the most of it while I have the time.

Running a business is that hardest part of the art journey I am on. There are a lot of things I don’t know how to do, and I can be really hard on myself about that. I forget that its okay to still be learning. In fact I will probably always still be learning, that’s a good thing.

This isn’t my first business. A few years ago I was making and selling pottery. After a big life change I had somewhat of a personal rebranding, and with that I felt I lost the connection to my brand and pottery as a whole. The biggest thing I learned from my first business was that I dont know how to run a business. Now, Im starting over with a brand that better represents me and a life of peace, love, and freedom.

So now it’s time to learn how to run a business (and how to spell it because I always put the i before the s). How am I going to do this? What will my days look like? I have always been a morning person, I think its when I work and learn best. Coffee and study. I will read “The Creative business handbook” and take notes. Im thinking of signing up for some webinar or class about running an art business/selling art. Then, I need to implement what I learn. I will spend time working on my website, social media, and quickbooks. Another area I want to focus on is writing about my art, and applying for shows and other opportunities. Making art will always find its time. Sometimes interrupting these other activity and thats okay with me. You can’t tell your creativity when to work, you have to listen to it, and know that it’s okay when things change. It’s better to go with the flow and move with life than to resit changes or obstacles.




